How to Keep Indoor Water Fountain Clean

How to Keep Indoor Water Fountain Clean

Fountains are used to enhance the beauty of the interior of the house. Fountains enhance the beauty of the house as well as help to refresh the mind. Indoor fountains work the same way even if you use them in the office. But to use it, you must know how to clean the indoor water fountain. Because indoor fountains become dirty over time due to use, if normal water is used in the fountain, the minerals in the water will cause algae after some time, spoiling the fountain’s beauty.

If the fountain is unclean, it spoils the fountain’s beauty and affects the environment’s beauty. Hence it is important to keep the fountain clean and tidy. For this reason, it is better to use distilled water to keep the fountain clean. After a few days, wipe with foam, clean the fountain with soapy water, and discard the water. Follow our complete guide to cleaning or keeping your fountain clean.

Why Do Indoor Fountains Get Dirty?

  1. Mineral water will make the fountain dirty due to the mineral content in the water.
  2. If the water is not changed for long, dirt accumulates in the fountain.
  3. When changing the water, adding new water without discarding the old water will mix with the old water and waste the water.
  4. When cleaning if everything is not cleaned, the fountain starts to accumulate algae.
  5. If the fountain is closed for a long time, hard spots accumulate on the fountain’s surface.

Ways to Clean Fountain Water

Change the Water Regularly

The best rule to keep fountains clean is to change the water regularly. It is better to use distilled water in the indoor fountain because it does not spoil quickly. But if the water is not changed for a long time, the water is wasted, which harms the fountain. So it is important to change the water to keep the fountain clean. To keep distilled water good for a long time, discard the old water and add fresh water to the fountain. Because if the old water is mixed with the new water, the water will spoil quickly.

Keep away from pets

After installing the fountain indoors, it is important to keep pets away from the fountain because pets like to drink fountain water! When pets drink water from the fountain, saliva from their mouth spoils the fountain water, which is harmful to the indoor environment.

Use distilled water

Minerals water should not be used in indoor fountains because mineral water spoils quickly. When the water is spoiled, the fountain becomes dirty and spoils the indoor environment. So it’s better to use distilled water to keep the fountain clean. Distilled water doesn’t contain minerals, so the water stays good for a long time. Also, the ions from distilled water are beneficial for health which is important for the indoor environment.

Keep the motor running

If the water in the fountain stagnates instead of flowing, the fountain begins to develop algae and hard stains after a few days. Minerals in water are the main cause of algae and hard stains. If you use distilled water, dirt accumulates less, but dirt mixed with water spoils the fountain water if the fountain motor turns off. Also, when the motor is switched off, dirt starts accumulating inside the motor, and the motor becomes unusable. So the fountain motor must turn on to keep the fountain nice and clean.

Clean the fountain on time

Indoor fountains enhance the house’s beauty, so fountains should keep clean. Cleaning the indoor fountain is good for your mind and health. Also, if you don’t clean it for a long time, permanent stains can accumulate on the fountain, which is very difficult to remove. So it is best to clean the fountain every few days to keep it clean. A light cleaning during water changes will keep the fountain clean. Routine cleaning does not need chemicals to clean fountains and cleans easily with soapy water. When cleaning, clean all parts of the fountain because dirt will accumulate on it if dirt remains.

How to keep Indoor fountains algae free

Indoor fountains don’t build up much algae because indoor fountains use distilled water. But if cleaning is not done properly, algae starts to build up. So here are some ways to keep indoor fountains free of algae.

  • Clean the dirt accumulated under the water of the fountain basin.
  • Use a separate pet fountain to prevent pets from drinking from the fountain.
  • To keep algae-free, use an amount of algae protector with tap water.

What materials should use to clean indoor fountains?

There are many rules for cleaning indoor fountains if they are dirty. The rules depend on the type of fountain and how much dirt has accumulated in the fountain. It depends on the usage of the fountain and which material is better to clean the fountain. Also, in some cases, if the level of chemicals is high, the colour of the water fountain can change, so it is better to clean the fountain keeping all aspects in mind while cleaning. Below are three common ways to clean any type of dirt easily.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Indoor fountains are different from outdoor fountains because fountains are used to maintain indoor beauty. Hydrogen peroxide is effective for removing stubborn stains from the indoor fountain. Using hydrogen peroxide does not damage the fountain’s colour. But if the concentration of hydrogen peroxide is more than 20%, then its use will decay the fountain. When using hydrogen peroxide, mix it with water.


Vinegar works great for cleaning fountains indoors. Vinegar does not contain any chemical components, so it does not harm the environment or health. If you clean the fountain according to the routine, it is better to clean it with vinegar because the dirt stains in the fountain can be cleaned with vinegar. If the fountain has tough stains, it is better not to use vinegar because vinegar is not very effective in removing tough stains.

Calcium Lime Remover

After using the fountain for a long time, white spots can be seen on the side of the fountain basin. The mineral content of the water causes these stains. To stop the formation of stains, wiping the fountain basins during fountain water changes prevents the formation. If you see this stain on the fountain, use Calcium Lime Remover, as it can easily remove the stain without damaging it.

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