How Do Water Fountains Work

How Do Water Fountains Work

Different types of water fountains are available today, but if you look, you can see that they all have some basic things in common. Here we will learn about each basic feature of the fountain and try to understand how water fountains work. If you understand these basic features, you can observe well which fountain will benefit you. Also, it can help you determine where the source of the problem might be if something goes wrong with the fountain.

1. Fountain Reservoir or Basin

How Do Water Fountains Work

All the outdoor fountains you will see will have basins attached. This is the term used for a location that holds water for a fountain. Additionally, this is usually the position that the pump holds. The reservoir will have some places where water can flow in and out, creating a closed circuit.

2. Fountain Pump

How Do Water Fountains Work

The pump is the most precious to get the water outside the fountain. Some fountains are so large that they must have an outside pump to get the water. The pumps submerge under the water or hide under the fountain. The leading function of the water pump is to pump all the water from the vessel to the pump and back out. Fountains may look different, but every fountain must have a pump, as its main function is to circulate water.

3. Tubing for Water Fountain

How Do Water Fountains Work

Water will usually travel to other areas of the fountain through the tubing. This tube has two ends, one on the outside of the fountain where the water comes out and the other attached to the pump where the water comes out in front of the fountain. The tube connects the water pump to the fountain.

4. Fountain Water Distribution

How Do Water Fountains Work

A feature fountain is where water comes out of the fountain, sprayed in the air, or goes down and back to the pond. Later, this water goes back inside the fountain. This ensures that the closed circuit of the water mentioned earlier continues so that the fountain can work.

5. The Fountain Structure

How Do Water Fountains Work

The fountain’s structure will tell you what materials it is made of. End of this page, we will discuss it.

Although there are different types of attractive fountains, a closer look reveals that they all are made with the same basic characteristics. Some will have extra pumps, and others may have more outlet pipes so that water can come out and flow from different places in the fountain. The fountain can have a waterfall, spray, and other beautiful effects. Even the fountains found in the ponds work in the same way. They have a pond instead of a common reservoir. Knowing how water fountains work, you can also set up pond fountains.

How many Types of Water Fountains

Here we will see which types of fountains fall into which categories. These springs are not only available now. They are commonly found all the time and often look different. Their functions are very similar. You can find many similar fountains, so you have to find the best one.

  • Modern Fountains: Modern fountains are for those who like to spend uninterrupted alone time in the office and at home. It should keep fresh all the time and should be in places where it is best suited.
  • Wall Fountain: Wall fountains can place along any wall. It is suitable for those with a small garden at home as it can be placed nicely in small spaces.
  • Rock Waterfall Fountains: A fountain that looks like a rock, and its waterfall sounds like water rushing down a mountain.
  • Tiered Fountains: A tiered fountain consists of many pots arranged in a horizontal layer where the water flows from the top pot to the bottom pot. At one time accumulates at the very bottom near the pump. This is how pot fountains work.
  • Decorative Garden fountains: Different types of fountains are seen in these fountains. They usually look like figurines of different animals or people in different shapes and colors.
  • Birdbath Fountains: Birds bathe and play in this fountain. This fountain is used to keep the bird bath water clean.
  • Solar: This fountain is made with solar power. Which saves your electricity cost and doesn’t require much effort to decorate. Birds love these fountains.

What Materials Used in Water Fountains

When choosing the type of water fountain, its material should also be considered. Below are the details of these components.

  • Cast Stone: Cast stone fountains will look very desirable and durable, lasting for a long time in your area. It is available in many designs.
  • Granite: Fountains made of granite are preferred by everyone and cost a little more than others. These materials look much nicer and last longer.
  • Stainless Steel: For those looking for a modern fountain for the home, this fountain is what they will love the most. With a little care, this fountain will last a long time.
  • Resin: Resin fountains are mainly handmade and are very lightweight.
  • Copper: Fountains made of copper look much more beautiful. Birds love them very much.
  • Fiberglass:  Fiberglass springs are much lighter and more durable at a lower cost. If you see their beauty, you will like them very much.

Great Information to Have

Once you buy the fountain, take a look at the different parts of the fountain. And if you know everything on this page, match your fountain with it. Because if you know all these things, you can take care of your fountain regularly, which will last for a long time. Knowing how to work water fountains will keep the fountain working well for a long time.

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