How to Clean a Concrete Water Fountain

How to Clean a Concrete Water Fountain

Concrete fountains are good for indoor and outdoor use. The thickness of concrete is high, so the sound of water flow is like a mountain spring. A beautiful concrete fountain can make at home with concrete. The fountain is made of concrete that is not smooth, due to which dirt accumulates on them. So the fountains have to clean every few days. But if you take care regularly, the fountain will not get dirty. And if too much dirt wears off, the fountain can easily make like new. For those who need to clean the fountain according to the rules, then the fountain is very clean. Outdoor fountains take longer to clean, and indoor tabletop fountains don’t take much time to clean. Today we will show you how to clean a concrete water fountain and maintain its beauty for many days.

Why is dirt sitting in the fountain of concrete?

Concrete fountains are available online, but you can easily make your own at home. But self-made concrete fountains are not smooth, so dirt settles easily. There are many reasons for dirt to settle in concrete fountains.

  1. Fountains made of concrete are cool, which causes algae to grow when exposed to sunlight.
  2. Large concrete fountains use mineral water, but dirt accumulates if the water is not cleaned regularly.
  3. When the water level decreases, the mineral accumulates in the fountain basin and wears hard stains.
  4. When birds bathe in outdoor concrete fountains, dirt and feathers accumulate on their bodies.

Needed Supplies

Equipment / Tools: Scrub brush, Rubber gloves, Pressure attachment hose (optional).

Materials: Water, Chlorine bleach.

Rules and timing of mixing

Prepare a mixture of bleach to clean concrete fountains. If the mixture is not good, the fountain will not clean well. The best ratio for mixing bleach to water is 9:1. Mix well after adding bleach water. Making the mixture may take up to 1 hour, but it depends on the size of the fountain. A small tabletop fountain takes 30 minutes to clean.


1. Remove the motor and tube

Properly dispose of all old water before cleaning outdoor fountains. After draining the water, throw away the dirt in the fountain and take out the motor inside the fountain. When removing the motor, remove the tube that comes with the motor.

2. Clean the motor and tube

After removing the motor and tube from the fountain, they must clean. To clean, disassemble the motor and scrub it thoroughly with a scrub brush in bleached water. To clean the tube:

  1. Submerge the tube in the bleach mixture for 10 minutes.
  2. Circulate water inside the tube with the pressure attachment hose.
  3. After cleaning the motor and tube, dry them in the sun.

Because if the motor is used without drying, dirt and algae will accumulate in it!

3. Remove debris from the basin

After draining the water from the fountain, dispose of the dirt in the fountain basin. Clean the basin with clean water after discarding the dirt. Then the hard stains in the basin will be visible, and you can easily clean it with bleach.

4. Scrub Basin with a Bleach Solution

After removing normal dirt, hard stains, or algae should, clean with a mixture of chlorine bleach. Wait 30 minutes with chlorine bleach in the concrete basin to clean. Once the tough stains have softened, scrub the basin thoroughly with a scrub brush. Clean the exterior of the fountain with a scrub brush to prevent dirt from accumulating easily and maintain its beauty.

5. Rinse the Concrete Fountain

After cleaning all parts of the fountain, wash it thoroughly. After washing, the fountain will look as beautiful as before, and if you see a little dirt, clean it again. When you feel any dirt left in the fountain, clean it with clean water. When cleaning, wash the inside and outside of the fountain thoroughly.

6. Dry the Outdoor Fountain Completely

After cleaning the fountain, dry the fountain well in the sun. After cleaning and using it, the fountain starts to get stains and algae.

7. Turn on the Fountain

After the fountain is dry, assemble all the fountain components. Place the motor in a certain place and place the tube so there is no water flow problem. After setting up everything, add enough water to the fountain and keep the motor submerged under the water. Use distilled water for indoor fountains. Then enjoy the sound of the water flowing from the fountain.

How to Keep Large Concrete Fountains Clean

Large concrete fountains are used as outdoor fountains, which need to keep clean according to the external environment. So there are a few rules to follow for cleaning concrete fountains.

  1. Discard old water during water changes to keep fountain water clean for longer.
  2. Use EasyCare FounTec Algaecide to keep outdoor concrete fountains free of algae.
  3. Outdoor fountains use mineral water, so the water dries up and stains the fountain basin. So rinse the basin with clean water when changing the water to keep it clean.

How to Keep Small Concrete Fountains Clean

Concrete fountains used indoors are small in size. Apart from enhancing the house’s beauty, fountains also benefit health. So the concrete fountain inside the house should be kept clean. Below are some tips for keeping indoor fountains clean.

  1. Use distilled water in fountains to avoid contamination of water.
  2. When cleaning the fountain water, throw away the old water and use new water to stay good for a long time.
  3. Distilled water reduces the number of algae, but less water causes hard stains on concrete. So tap water should always use in moderation.
  4. To keep the basin stain-free, mix the fountain protector with water to prevent water from sitting there.

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