Affiliate Disclosure

Noarong participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

By visiting Noarong, There are some facts you should know:

  1. We do affiliate marketing and offer the best products in front of you as a third-party seller and provide affiliates with the products. We get a commission if you buy any product from our shared link, but you don’t have to spend separately for it. So there is no connection to third-party vendor transactions. We are affiliated with other companies, including Amazon and Commission Junction.
  2. If you sign up for our email newsletter, I can update my ideas to you later. Note that we do not collect or store your personal information.
  3. We use Google Analytics to collect information about you through cookies that help share new ideas with you in the following advertisement.
  4. We do not collect your transactions, nor do we don’t store any information about your transactions.

You Should Assume

Any click on that leads to an external source could be an Affiliate link and we may or may not receive compensation from the sale.